In the Words of Ron Dermer:
From A Taste of New York
May 2016
"This country, I say, as someone born and raised here, is really a unique country for Jews. A lot of Jews take it for granted. The greatness of America can be summed up in less than a less than a less than a letter. It's actually a hyphen. That hyphen between Jewish and American. The hyphen is unique here...America was the one place that gave Jewish people the opportunity to be both a proud Jew, an identified Jew, and also join the larger society."
-Ambassador Ron Dermer
Anti-semitic and anti-Israel sentiments are ringing loudly across college campuses in America. This might intimidate some, or force others to hide their identity. But, Jewish Heritage Programs is here to declare that we support young, Jewish students in an invaluable quest to ignite Jewish identity and to make it stronger than ever before.
We simply cannot do this without your help,the time to take action is now!
To donate you can visit our website at:
or send a check to 4032 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Your tax deductible donation can be made with stocks as well.